TRUN Coin Features

TRUN Coin Features. TRUN Coin! Inspired by Trump's favorite game, Trumple Run. Spotted 7 times in interviews, it's your chance to dive into the MEME Coin craze with 'MEME is Game!'

Key Features of TRUN Coin

  • Trumple Run Inspired: TRUN Coin’s creation is based on Trump’s favorite game, "Trumple Run," giving it a unique edge among MEME Coins.
  • MEME is Game: The slogan says it all. By engaging with TRUN Coin, you’re participating in a culture where memes and games collide.
  • Community-Driven: MEME Coins thrive on the strength of their communities, and TRUN Coin is no different. Connect with the community through Twitter or Telegram.
  • Trending Buzz: TRUN Coin has already been mentioned in seven Trump interviews, making it a buzz-worthy MEME Coin with increasing visibility.